Programme SAP RJHSTAT7 - IS-M: Status/Characteristic Attributes for Online Sched.Line/Ad Specs

Evaluate Schedule Line/Ad Spec Status in Online Items

This function allows you to use the schedule line or ad spec status todetermine schedule lines and ad specs in online items and display thesein a list. You want to determine all online items with incomplete adspec data.


  • Header data

  • Schedule line data with status levels and status characteristics

  • Ad spec data with status levels and status characteristics

  • The system preassigns the selection criteria as follows:
    • Period

    • The system preassigns the start and end date of the selection period.The start date is today’s date. The system preassigns the end date as31.12.9999. You can change the start and end date.
      • Not relevant for selection

      • The system selects this indicator for all status characteristics. Ifyou retain this indicator, status characteristics are not taken intoaccount during selection. If you deselect this indicator, statuscharacteristics are taken into account as follows during selection:
        If you deselect the indicator and do not select the associated statuscharacteristic, the system displays all schedule lines for which thestatus characteristic has not been selected.
        If you deselect the indicator and select the associated statuscharacteristic, the system displays all schedule lines for which thestatus characteristic has been selected.
        You can use the layout and print options to control how the list isdisplayed.

        The system displays schedule lines that match the selection criteria ina list on the display screen. The list is sorted in ascending order bysales document, item, sub-item, schedule line and ad spec number. Youcan however use the Sort and List variant functions tosort this differently. Standard ABAP List Viewer functions areavailable to you for editing the list. These include the following:

        • Display details

        • Access a dialog box from the list and display details of the selectedschedule line.
          • Change schedule lines

          • Access the schedule line overview screen from the list and change theschedule line data.