Programme SAP RJHSADR1_SAPGP - IS-M/AM: Address Selection Report (Classification Using SAP BP)

Address Selection Report RJHSADR1

Address selection during IS-M/AM direct mailing campaigns that takesaccount of contact person or business partner classification.

Classification system

Classification, which involves assigning the business partner orcontact person to a class, is part of master data maintenance. ReportRJHCLZAP is used to assign several contact personsto a class. Report RJGCLZUO is used to assignbusiness partners to a class.

Report RJHSADR1 is used to select classified business partners orcontact persons by means of the classification system and to generatean address list for a direct mailing campaign. Selection is exclusiveif it only uses the classification system.
If you specify selection options for business partners or contactpersons, these are used in conjunction with the result of the objectsearch in the classification system to generate the address list.
Address selection for direct mailing campaigns using this report is asfollows:

Selection using the business partner:

There is no contact person for this business partner:

  • If the 'Alternate customer address' indicator is selected when the
  • address selection is defined, the system selects the customer address.

    A contact person is available for the business partner:

    • If the 'Private address' indicator is selected exclusively, the system
    • selects the private address for the contact person if this isavailable.
      • If the 'Alternate business address' indicator is selected exclusively
      • and a business address has been recorded in the contact person masterdata, this address is selected.
        • If the 'Alternate customer address' indicator is selected exclusively,
        • the customer address is selected.
          • All indicators have been selected: The private address for the contact
          • person is selected if it is available. If this is not the case, thecustomer address is selected.
            • The 'Private address' and 'Alternate business address' indicators are
            • selected: The private address for the contact person is selected if itis available. If this is not the case, any available business addressis selected.
              • The 'Alternate business address and 'Alternate customer address
              • indicators are selected: The business address is selected if it isavailable. If this is not the case, the customer address is selected.
                • Address selection is identical to the scenario where a contact person
                • is available for the business partner.

                  The report generates an address list for a direct mailing campaign thatcan be edited during the activity.