Programme SAP RJHF_DOC_FLOW_MAINTAIN - IS-M/AM: Billing/Settlement - Display Document Flow

IS-M/AM: Billing /Settlement - Check Document Flow

This program can be used to check the document flow for items inbilling or settlement documents (successor object type = billing item[OBJTYP_N = 'FP']) and correct these as necessary.

The following options are available to you for determining thedocuments to be edited:

  • Directly by the documents

  • (Select by documents),
    Using the selection criteria:
    Document, Billing category,Billing type, Actual billing/settlement date, Entered by,Created on, Sales organization andPurchasing organization.
    • Indirectly using the collective processing unit list

    • (Select by collective processing runs),
      Using the selection criteria:
      Group type, Group number,Entered by and Created on.

      Please note that the program creates the document flow in the memory.To avoid a lack of resources with regard to memory or program runtime,you should ensure that you restrict your selection according to yourrequirements as far as possible.

      You can determine whether the system displays the difference betweenreorganization and the database contents (Only show differences parameter is selected) or whether all document flows are displayedaccording to the selection criteria (parameter is not selected).
      If you select the Show attributes that differ, the systemdisplays all differences in the document flow attributes (afterreturning from the ALV list or in a second spool).
      The new document flow determined is only updated (without query) if youselect the Perform database change parameter.
      You can use the Documents per commit parameter to control thenumber of documents that are processed in each update step.
      If you select the Block for entire client, the system blocks allbilling documents (if you have activated the update) in the client. Ifyou have not activated the update, it only blocks the selecteddocuments.