Programme SAP RJHFRAJO - IS-M/AM: Billing Documents Overview

Evaluation of Billing and Settlement Documents

This function allows you to evaluate billing and settlement documents.You want to create an invoice posting journal.

The following selection criteria are available to you:

  • Purchasing organization

  • If you have selected one or more purchasing organizations, the systemdisplays the credit-side invoices with credit-side document data in theoverview.
    • Sales organization

    • If you have selected one or more sales organizations, the systemdisplays the debit-side invoices with debit-side document data in theoverview.
      If you have not selected purchasing organizations or salesorganizations, the system displays the debit and credit-side documentdata.

      • If you have selected Display all documents or Display cancelleddocuments, the system displays the cancelled document directly followedby the cancellation documents.
        • Display invoice header 2-line

        • Two lines are used to display the header data, since the system candisplay a maximum of 250 characters in a line.
          If you do not require a two-line display, you should reduce the numberof fields displayed using the Settings -> Display variantfunction.

          You can define a display variant. Possible entriesare available to you. The variants offered are dependent on the listtype and the calling program. If you do not propose a variant, thesystem uses the initial variant.

          Documents that match the selection criteria are displayed in a list onthe display screen. The list is sorted in ascending order using thebilling document number and any item number. You can however use theSort and All list fields functions to sort this listdifferently.
          The system displays the cancelled document directly followed by thecancellation documents.
          Standard ABAP List Viewer functions are available to you for editingthe list.