Programme SAP RJHDVWVL_GRID - IS-M: Ad Spec Masters with a Reminder Date that has Expired

Ad Spec Masters With a Reminder Date that has Expired

You can use this function to select ad spec masters that are incompleteand which have a reminder date that has expired.

This function is used as the basis for the Missing ad spec masters


The following selection criteria are available to you on the selectionscreen:

  • Reminder date

  • Publication date

  • Item type

  • Basic booking unit

  • Ad spec master incomplete indicator

  • The system only selects ad spec masters that have been assigned to anad spec that in turn has been assigned to a schedule line. If you haveentered a basic booking unit, one of these schedule lines must belongto a basic booking unit.
    You can select using the reminder date or the publication date. If youselect using the publication date, you should also specify a basicbooking unit so that the query can be performed efficiently.
    If you select using the reminder date, you should create the optionalindex O01 in database table JHADRV.

    The ALV Grid Control is used for display purposes. You can use thistool to define and save your own display variants.