Programme SAP RJHDVWVL - IS-M: Ad Spec Masters With a Reminder Date that has Expired

Evaluation of the Ad Spec Master Reminder Date

This function allows you to determine ad items using the ad spec masterreminder date and display these in a list.

The following selection criteria are available to you on the selectionscreen:

  • Reminder date

  • Ad spec master status incomplete

  • Layout and print options

  • If you retain today's date and do not select the Incomplete indicator,the system displays all ad spec master data records with a reminderdate that is earlier or the same as the reminder date specified and forwhich no status has been entered. The system does not display ad specmaster data records with a reminder date that is earlier or identicalto the reminder date specified and for which the Incomplete, Complete,Forwarded, Completed or Returned status has been entered.
    If you retain today's date and select the Incomplete indicator, thesystem displays all ad spec master data records with a reminder datethat is earlier or identical to the reminder date specified and forwhich the Incomplete status has been entered.
    You can create the optional index O01 in database table JHADRV toimprove the performance of this report.

    The system displays ad spec masters that match the selection criteriain a list on the display screen. The list is sorted in ascending orderby reminder date and sales document number. You can however use the Sort and Display variant functions to sort thisdifferently. Standard ABAP List Viewer functions are available to youfor editing the list. These include the following:

    • Display details

    • Access a dialog box from the list and display details of the selectedad spec master.
      • Change ad spec master data records:

      • Access the ad spec master detail screen from the list and change the adspec master data.
        The system displays all ad spec masters that have been entered for adspecs or sub ad specs.
        You can only change an ad spec master in the ad spec master list if thesales document for which the ad spec master has been entered has notbeen blocked by another user.