Programme SAP RJHCM_ORDER_RECHECK - IS-M/AM: Credit Management: Perform Credit Check for Orders

This program is used for credit checks in dialog or in backgroundprocessing mode.The system processes the billing datasets selected inaccordance with the radio button.
Caution: Selection is made dynamically using a database view. Thismeans that the influence of the customer exit on the field contents isnot taken into account.

  • 'Dialog':

  • You can propose a display variant on the selectionscreen. Possible entries are available to you here. If you do notspecify a variant, the system uses the initial variant. The system list tool display variant 1SAP is also availableto you.
    You can continue to use the Release order object andPartially release order object functions to assign theOverall credit status 'D' or 'C' tothe selected order, an order item or a billing dataset. This functionfacilitates efficient dialog processing. You should update the listbefore you execute this function since the data displayed may now beout of date. Please note also that you can use this function to changebilled billing datasets.
    • 'Batch':

    • The system performs a credit check at billing dataset level duringorder updating and makes an entry for the status characteristicsCredit check failed and Overall status of credit checks. (Please configure theControl of Order Updating for theevent Perform credit check). The systemcreates a collective processing run with the collective processing type'K'. This contains all orders selected and a list of the notes created.You can analyze this collective processing run using transactionJHAK