Programme SAP RJHBEMG_MD - Comparison of M/AM Plan.Circ.Qties - M/SD Del.Qties/Plan.Circ.Qties

This report compares planned circulation quantities for M/AM bookingunits with the current M/SD delivery quantities.
These functions are available for ad insert and distribution bookingunits and ad insert or distribution order items.
The booking unit/printing works/publication/ and edition selectioncriteria are available for selecting AI booking units. The booking unitand printing works selection criteria are available for selectingdistribution booking units.
The system displays M/AM planned circulation quantities for selectedbooking units in the reference period. You can define these plannedcirculation quantities further by specifying BU variant types forplanned AI circulation quantities or by specifying distributionquantity types for planned distribution quantities. These plannedcirculation quantities are compared with the planned quantities forM/SD deliveries or the planned circulation quantities of the M/SDgeographical areas assigned to distribution booking units.

M/SD must be active
M/SD function module documentation