Programme SAP RJHAVM_ACTUALIZE - IS-M/AM: Perform Order Update

Update Sales Documents

This program can be used to update sales documents (orders), forexample if changes are made in the master data or in Customizing (thataffect conditions, sales agent contracts or contracts).
You can use parameters to control whether you want to perform newpricing, contract determination, sales agentdetermination and/or Update contract data.
However, this program is not suitable for modifying mediacustomers in orders (such as in the advertiser assignment).

Two selection methods are available to you for selecting salesdocuments that are to be updated:
Selection using billing datasets (view JHVAVMACTGA using the orderheader, item and billing dataset). These selection methods are used ifyou have compressed (hidden) selections in the sales agent assignmentblock.
Selection using sales agent assignment groupings (view JHVAVMACTGVZusing the order header, item and billing dataset). These selectionmethods are used if you have expanded (shown) selections in the salesagent assignment block. You can of course only use this selectionmethod to enter orders that have at least one suitable sales agentassignment at billing dataset level.
You can use the Created by button in the item block forboth selection methods if you want to define your selection moreprecisely. Additional selection criteria are also available to you inthe billing dataset block and these can be accessed using the<948>("expand") button. Please note that these additional selectionsare lost as soon as you 'compress' the respective area using the <949>button.

Procedure for System Administration
Please note that sales documents are updated using the orderupdater
(C) initiator and the Change(2)event. You should ensure thatcontrol order update has been definedcorrectly in Customizing.