Programme SAP RJHAUFAK - IS-M/AM: Asynchronous Update of Order Data

Asynchronous Order Update

Changes to contracts may mean that an automatic update of orders isrequired. In such cases, the system creates an order update index forall billing datasets affected. This program allows you to process theseindices and update the orders affected.

You can process orders within asales area according tothe order number and the creation user

You should select the Display log parameter if youwant to evaluate the update log. During execution in the background(batch) - not however in dialog - the system updates the log using theorder update (J) collective processing group type.If necessary, you can also analyse the collective processing run at alater stage using the Display update log transaction.

You can start the program in a test run to checkyour selection. To do so, you should set the identically namedparameter. You should also set the Display logparameter.