Programme SAP RJG_BUT100_CORRECT - IS-M: Auxiliary Program for Modifying BUT100

Auxiliary report for modifying business partner roles in table BUT100after an upgrade to release 4.71, if the SAP Business Partner wasalready used in IS-M in the previous release.

You can limit the number of business partners to be processed andspecify whether the corrections are only to be made in the currentclient or in all clients.
You can specify whether the customer roles FLCU00 and FLCU01 are to beremoved from table BUT100 or added if they are missing. In releasesprevious to 4.71 the media-specific roles were replaced with rolegroupings using note 379389, but the new interface for the businesspartner transaction BP means you no longer need to work with these rolegroupings. This means you can also delete the customer and vendor rolesfrom table BUT100. However, if you work directly with roles FLCU00,FLCU01, FLVN00, and FLVN01 (independently of the media-specific roles) -in other words, if you use the SAP Business Partner transaction to editthe customer and vendor master, you should not delete these roles.
You can also execute the report as a test run. When you do this, thereport lists the roles for the business partner and marks the rolesadded and those deleted with a corresponding symbol.