Programme SAP RJGSORT2FILL - IS-M: Repeat Setup of Field for Duplicate Identification

This report is used to recompile the search field for duplicates. Itprocesses all the business partner addresses and uses the functionmodule specified in Customizing underDefinition of Search Field FormattingTypes (Bus.Partners) to recompile the search fields.

Selection Screen
You can specify business partners for whom you want to recompile thesearch field on the selection screen.
You will not usually make any entries here because you will want thisto take place for all business partners.
However, if the report is unable to recompile the search fields forsome business partners, these are recorded in a log. You can thenspecify these business partners on the selection screen when yourestart the program so as to reduce the runtime.

If the function module compiles the character search field from thehouse number (this is the case in the function module in the standarddelivery), a search field generated in IS-P in Release 3.04 or lower isnot compatible with a search field generated in IS-M Release 4.01 orhigher.
This means duplicates are no longer recognized in most cases.
Since this report processes all address entries, it involves arelatively long runtime. While the report is running, you must notexecute any reports that also access the business partner or addresstables and block them.
These reports include:

  • Address update

  • Address synchronization

  • Bank data synchronization
  • Output
    The program creates a log indicating how many business partneraddresses were changed. It also lists business partners whose addressescould not be changed because they were blocked by another application.
    The log also lists business partners for whom an error occurred whenwriting the addresses to the database.
    The program should be repeated for all the business partners listed inthe log (see the section on the selection screen).