Programme SAP RJGFTRSF - IS-M: Transfer Legacy Data for BP Subscriber/Media Customer

This program is used to transfer business partners (in the role'Subscriber' or 'Media customer') from an external system into the SAPSystem.
The transfer does NOT take place by means of batch input. The data ischecked and transferred to the SAP System by means of function modules.This technique is better for performance than the batch inputprocedure.The System makes a COMMIT to the database after every nbusiness partners. You can specify the number 'n' on the selectionscreen. Follow-on records (record type 11 or 12) must come directlyafter the leading record (record type 01).
Records containing errors
Business partners or addresses containing errors are not updated butplaced in a batch input session (error session) created using reportRJGAUF00. The log lists the appropriate errormessage for each errored record. If an error occurred for an additionaladdress (record type '11') for a business partner, this address issimply not updated and the remaining data on the business partner isupdated directly. If an error occurs for record type '01' (createbusiness partner) or '12' (different address - relocation), all thedata on the corresponding business partner is placed in an errorsession. Records with an incorrect function or record type as well astheir follow-on records (11, 12) and records selected by the duplicatecheck are placed in a separate output file since the unclear flow makesit impossible to generate a batch input session.
For further information on the duplicate check, please see also thedocumentation on report RJGAUF00.
Test run
This program can also be started as a test run. In this case, it doesnot make updates to the database or generate an error session butsimply generates an error log. In order to identify errors such as inco
mplete customizing settings early, you can specify a number of businesspartners for processing in the test mode. This enables you to testtransfer for a small number of business partners or for the whole filefirst in order to determine how many records contain errors beforeperforming the actual transfer.
Restart procedure
The program can be restarted. This means that if data transfer isterminated (for example, due to tablespace overflow or a systemshutdown) it can be restarted. The program skips the records alreadyupdated and proceeds at the point where processing stopped. In thiscase, the 'Restart' switch must be selected when the program isexecuted.

When you start the program, you must specify the name of the filecontaining the data to be transferred and the name of the error file towhich records with general errors. Due to the restart procedure, thename of the file is limited to 22 characters. The path and the name ofthe input file must be maintained using transactions SF01 to SF06.
The following four record types (GP_SATZART) are allowed with thecorresponding roles (JPARVW) for this data transfer:
Rec.type Func.,,,,,,,,Meaning
'ND',,(opt.) Definition of NO-DATA indicator
,,to check the value entered
'01' KU MK ,,Create new business partner
'11' WE RE ,,Create additional address
,,(e.g. secondary residence)
'12' GP ,,Create alternative address (relocation)
A record of record type 'ND' must be the first record in the inboundfile, since only then can the System check the NO DATA indicatorspecified on the selection screen. If it comes later it will beignored. The data structure used for this record type is RJGAU_ND.
The start date of validity (WDAT1) must be specified for record type'01' and '02' and the end date of validity (WDAT2) must be blank. Ifthere is no record type '12' for a business partner, the program entersthe value '99991231' in field WDAT2 (record type '01'). If severaladdresses are defined for each business partner (record type '12',relocation), the report enters the appropriate end date (WDAT2). Thevalue entered in WDAT2 is the date before WDAT1 of the address afterthis one.
Rec.type| WDAT1 | WDAT2 |

Field values in
Rec. 1: '01' | 01.01.1995 | ----- |
Rec. 2: '12' | 01.07.1995 | ----- |
Field values
on DB (after transfer)
Rec. 1: '01' | 01.01.1995 | 30.06.1995 |
Rec. 2: '12' | 01.07.1995 | 31.12.9999 |
There must be an entry for WDAT1 and WDAT2 for record type '11'.
Record types 11 and 12 are only allowed if the business partner iscompletely new. If the business partner already exists in a differentrole, these will be ignored.
To perform data transfer correctly, a file must be generated with thestructures RJGAU_KU or RJGAU_MK.
(Details on creating files)
For a description of the interface, please see the documentation onreport RJGAUF00
If you are creating a completely new business partner (record type 01,MK or KU), the record types following it, 11 and 12, are createddirectly. If a business partner already exists and you are creating anew role (e.g. subscriber exists and you are creating media customer)and this record is followed by a record of type 11 or 12, these recordsare not created directly but are placed in the batch input (error)session. These records are then transported into the System when thissession is processed.
Caution: The program for direct update functions in the same way asdialog or the batch input session. For example, if a business partneris defined as a subscriber and is to be created as a media customer,the program reacts in the same way as dialog processing: in this case,only the screens for the general business partner and the mediacustomer are open in dialog. For example, it is not possible to createor change address data, bank data or general sales data.
VAT registration number
You can only specify the VAT registration number for the businesspartner's country (LAND1) in this report. (Field RJGAU_KU/_MK-STCEG onthe tax data screen). (In batch input, you can specify 4 additional VATregistration numbers, STCEG_1 to 4.)
Note on media customer fields
The fields 'Minor-amoount credit memo' and 'Minor-amount debit memo' onthe media customer screen are numerical fields with decimal places. Toenter decimals, you must enter the decimal point on the screen (thisalso applies to batch input). If you do not enter a decimal point inthe transfer record, the amounts are interpreted as whole numbers,whereas if you enter a decimal point you can then create amountscontaining, for example, cents or pence.
SAP Recommendation
If the business partner dataset is presorted by account group, salesorganization, distribution channel, division and customer group, thisreduces the number of times the database has to be accessed and thusimproves performance in data transfer.
Note on field 'Local customer indicator for media customer'
The local customer indicator is selected automatically in the businesspartner transaction. Batch input processing overwrites all the fieldson the screens with a blank if the input fields do not have a NO DATAindicator. For this reason, you must note the following rule:
'Local cust.' field: - no_data Field is selected automatically
- blank Field is overwritten with a
- X Field is overwritten with X

Changes for 4.01
6 new fields have been added to the address include in the recordstructures. This has moved the record structures apart, so that youwill have to modify them in your legacy system. These are as follows(in structure RJGSADR):
STREET2 (for all country versions)
PREDIRECTIONAL (for US country version)
Fields 2 to 6 are only active in the US country version. If you makeany entries in these fields and the country version is not for the USA,the System will ignore these entries and they will not be transferred.
Field RJGMBK-ISPBNKSP was added to the bank data (for all versions) andRJGAU_GPAL-J_SOC_SECU to the general data (for the US country version).