Programme SAP RJGFSY20 - IS-M: Error Log in Bank Data Synchronization

This report creates a log of all bank data not synchronized between IS-Mand an external FI system (not for R/2 RF).
All data marked in the bank data index table as not synchronized arelisted as a log. You can either delete these records or carry outsynchronization in the external system. The existing bank data in theexternal system can either be deleted or overwritten, depending on thereason why they were not synchronized. For this reason, they should bechecked beforehand and deleted if you do not want to synchronize them.Records containing errors that are not connected to the bank data areprocessed again - for example, if the customer in the external systemwas locked.

The external system must be an ERP system and the appropriate businesspartner must exist or be created in the external system.

Where errors have occurred in synchronization, the System saves thecorresponding bank data index record with an error key. Bank datasynchronized successfully is deleted from the index table.
The report generates a list of all the errored data.