Programme SAP RJGDEB_CRED_MIGRATE - IS-M: Convert Customers and Vendors to SAP Business Partners

You can create SAP business partners for existing customers andvendors using this report.

You can specify the role in which the SAP business partner is createdon the selection screen. The business partner category is defined as aperson or an organization depending on the value entered for the'Natural Person' indicator. The SAP business partner grouping isdetermined from the assignment between the groupings and the accountgroups.
If one of the business partners for migration already exists, thesystem adds the corresponding role to this business partner.
Checks are run during migration. If one of these checks identifieserrors, this is noted in the log and the corresponding business partneris not migrated.
You can influence the behavior of the report using theBAdI ISM_BP_DEB_CRED_MIG.

You can migrate either customers or vendors.
You can specify a number range as well as selection criteria for thecompany code, sales area, and purchasing organization. This enables youto create a business partner in a specific role for a specificorganizational unit.
In the 'Valid-From Date' parameter, you can specify the date on whichthe IS-M address is to begin when a new business partner is created.

The log lists all the errors that occur during the checks or whencreating the business partner. In some cases, business partner creationinvolves several actions, such as creation in several different salesareas. If errors occur during these actions, the log may also listfollow-on errors for the original error.

You can control this program by implementing the BAdIISM_BP_DEB_CRED_MIG. This allows you to specify the role to be created,the grouping, the business partner category, and the data that is tobe used when creating the business partner.
Since the numbers must be the same in IS-M, the SAP business partnersare created with the customer or vendor number. If you use groupingswith internal number assignment for migration, you must change theattributes of the corresponding number range intervals before and aftermigration. Before migration, set the number range intervals to'External', and after migration, reset them to 'Internal' and correctthe levels of the number range intervals.