Programme SAP RJGCLZUO - Classify IS-M Business Partners

This report performs the following functions:
Classifies existing business partners when new classes are created
Updates changes to business partners in classification at regularintervals, such as weekly
Removes business partners from classes
The report creates a file that can then be used to carry outclassification by direct or batch input. These are standard reportsthat can also be called up via customizing (seeDirect input orBatch input)
After generating the file, the report displays it. If too many objectsare selected, this display report may have problems displaying theobjects on the list. If this is the case, it is advisable to performselection in several stages. If existing business partners areclassified using other features that are not object features but canstill be supplied automatically, the report must be copied anddeprogrammed at the points that supply data to structure BIAUSP. Thisreport can also be used to classify new business partners in backgroundprocessing. To do this, the report must be scheduled as a batch jobwith a variant defining a daily interval.

Modify the customizing settings for theClassification System to meet your requirements
Create classes, define features andassign these to the classes if applicable.


  • Online The report outputs the data records of the business
  • partners that are classified. Output is controlled by the standardreport RCCLBISC. If you chose direct or batch input,you also receive the output of report RCCLBI03 orRCCLBI02.
    • Batch If you chose direct or batch input, the system displays
    • the output of report RCCLBI03 or RCCLBI02.

      Selection options

      • Classify relevant BPs only: All business partners that meet the
      • selection criteria specified in the block Business partnerselection and that are recorded in view JGVGPKLASS are assigned tothe class specified.
        • Remove relevant BPs from class: This enables you to remove the
        • business partners from the class specified.
          • Business partner selection: The report selects all business
          • partners from view JGVGPKLASS that meet the selection criteria youspecify. The fields Date interval in days can be used to definea time frame. The system then selects all business partners that werecreated or changed in the specified period. This means it is possibleto run this report at regular intervals if you do not want to classifybusiness partners using the business partner maintenance transactions.
            • Neither direct nor BTC: The system creates a file on the
            • application server. This file can then be imported into the systemusing the functions Direct input orBatch input.
              • Perform direct input: Once the file has been created, the system
              • automatically calls up the customizing function for importing the fileusing Direct input.
                • Create batch input session: Once the file has been created, the
                • system automatically calls up the customizing function for importingthe file via Batch input.