Programme SAP RJGBNK20 - IS-M: Synchronize Bank Data from Non-SAP System (FI) By RFC

This report synchronizes the bank data from the IS-M system into anexternal FI system (not for R/2 RF).
All bank data in the bank data index table is synchronized with deriveddata with the external FI system(s). Synchronization is performed foreach logical destination. The report can be restricted to businesspartners. You can also trigger synchronization in the external system byselecting the processing modes insert and/or update. These functionsoverwrite or delete existing bank data in the external system. This datashould be checked first for reasons of security and it is advisable toperform targeted synchronization using the subsequent processingfunction in the report below.

The external system must be an ERP system and the business partner inquestion must exist or be created there.

As a result of synchronization, the bank data index record isoverwritten with an error key if an error occurs. Bank data synchronizedsuccessfully is deleted from the bank data index table.
The report generates a list of all data containing errors. This data canbe posted subsequently using report RJGFSY20.