Programme SAP RJGADR11 - IS-M: Time Synchronization of Address Between IS-M and Non-SAP System

Since IS-M is the main system, it influences the customers and vendorscreated from it in SD.
So that the address data in the time-dependent address managementcomponent of IS-M is consistent with the time-independent management ofcustomer and vendor addresses in the non-SAP system, you must schedulethis report at the desired regular intervals.

Overwrites the customer/vendor address data in the non-SAP system withthe current data from IS-M. The address data in question is marked assynchronized in IS-M.
The report creates a log indicating how many addresses weresynchronized. If an error occurs during processing, this is alsodisplayed in the log, together with the business partner number and thetype of error.
The following types of error can occur:

  • Locking errors

  • The tables must be locked before changes can be made to them. If atable entry is already locked by another process, the address cannot besynchronized. The system tries again to synchronize the address whenthe report is run again later.
    • Errors in BP master

    • This error occurs when no customer or vendor number is recorded in thebusiness partner master, which is not admissible. In this case, youshould notify your system administrator.
      • Errors while making changes in non-SAP system

      • In this case, an error occurs while transferring changed addresses tothe non-SAP system. When this error occurs, the address is still notmarked as synchronized. The system tries again to synchronize theaddress in the non-SAP system the next time the program is run.

        We recommend that you run the report daily after midnight to ensurethat the customer/vendor addresses in SD are up to date.