Programme SAP RJF_SULF - IS-M/SD: Collective Transfer of Billing Documents to FI

Transfer of billing documents to Financial Accounting (coll.transfer)
This program transfers billing documents created in IS-M/SD toFinancial Accounting (collective documents).
The status should indicate that the billing document was createdwithout errors. The system determines the data for Financial Accounting(document type, posting key etc.) for each billing item in the documentand posts them to the accounts determined by account determinationduring billing in the target system (Financial Accounting, via RFC ifnecessary). The posting is not made to a payer but to a bank clearingaccount.
The financial accounting documents can either be imported directly orvia batch input. (This can be set up for the function modules under'Communication'.)

433865IS-M/SD: Payment intermediate dataset as of Jan/01/2002