Programme SAP RJF_FAKTURA_KONDART_ZU_BELNR - IS-M/SD: Explode Accounting Document by Billing Condition Types

Explode accounting document by billing condition type
This program can be used to explode an accounting document by billingcondition types.
The program gathers all condition types for an accounting document thathave an effect on revenue and cumulates them by condition type and G/Laccount. You can expand the list to display the billing documents andproportions for these records. Conditions that affect revenue are thosefor which a G/L account was determined in accordance with revenueaccount assignment and that lead to appropriate revenue postings duringtransfer to Financial Accounting. See the account determinationanalysis for a certain billing document.

A database index on table JFRK for field BELNR (accounting documentnumber) is required in order to achieve the best possible runtime.Please ask your system administrator about this.

The program first creates a summarized list of the cumulated values ofthe conditions. Click the symbol at the beginning of a line in the listto display the billing documents involved in the condition type. Youcan also click the symbol in the header line to expand the entire list.The data is displayed using the ABAP ListViewer. This allows you to select additional fields from the fieldcatalog for display in dialog processing.