Programme SAP RJFZTR01 - IS-M/SD: Print Program for Payment Medium via Output Control

This print report prints out a payment medium in addition to thebilling document using a SAPscript form in output control.

The report is called up externally. The start routine is the formroutine 'ENTRY', which must be entered in the customizing settings foroutput control. The program and the routine must be entered for therelevant condition type. The form for printing must also be assignedhere.
Printing in collective processing is triggered by report RJNAST00.

The output layout can be changed using the appropriate form. You canuse the fields from the billing document header (JFRK) and billingitems (JFRP) to do this. The dictionary structure RJFSCRIPT providesfurther fields, for example the document number including the checkdigits.