Programme SAP RJFTRANSFER01 - IS-M/SD: Individual Transfer of Billing Document to FI

Individual transfer to Financial Accounting first generates and openitem in accounts receivable accounting for the payer of the billingdocument, which is cleared by the payment. This is the case, forexample, when the customer pays the billing document by invoice orcheck.
The data relevant to accounting is transferred to Financial Accountingand posted to the relevant accounts.
A new accounting document is generated for each billing document. Theaccounting document is generated by means of the FI/CO interface.

Revenue account determination takes place during billing documentcreation. The purpose of revenue account determination is to determinethe revenue accounts for posting on the basis of account assignmentcriteria in the billing document.
The system only transfers billing documents whose posting status isinitial.
You should have made the Customizing settings in the stepsDefinition and Assignment of AccountKeys and Assignment of G/L Accountsbefore performing billing.

If problems arise during billing document transfer, this is recorded inan error log.

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