Programme SAP RJFINV01 - Media Sales and Distribution - Print Subscription Invoices

This report prints an invoice for a subscriber using a SAPscript formin output control.

The report is called up externally. The start routine is the formroutine 'ENTRY', which must be entered in the customizing settings foroutput control. The program and the routine must be entered for therelevant condition type, where you can also assign the form forprinting. The standard form for billing document printing isISP_INVOICE01.
From 3.04, the initial routine ENTRY_01 can be used as an alternative.This creates a total of all credit memo items that refer to acomplaint. Only one item is then displayed per complaint. The textelement AUSGABE_GUTSCHRIFTEN is used for this purpose on the mainwindow.
To print in collective processing, you must use report RJNAST00.

You can change the output layout using the appropriate form. This canbe done using the fields from the billing document header (JFRK) andthe billing items (JFRP), as well as the conditions (KOMVD).
Address output is based on extended address management, which allowsyou to assign a print format to each form and business partner role.(Path: Tools -> Business engineering -> Customizing -> Implementationprojects -> SAP Reference IMG -> SAP Media - Industry-SpecificComponents -> Basic Data -> Business Partner -> Address -> Assign printformats to form.) The standard setting is an output of 6 lines.
The bill-to party (role RE) and the alternative ship-to party (role WE)are displayed using print formats and an alternative payer (role RG)using the form (structure RJFSCRIPT).
Any totals fields or additional fields required are contained in thedictionary structure RJFSCRIPT.

525529M/SD: Invoice printout: Tax number for article 14