Programme SAP RJFAUT01 - IS-M/SD: Authorization of Payment Cards in Billing

This program generates a list of all billing documents in which paymentcards are involved or performs authorization for these billingdocuments in background processing.

If you restrict data selection too drastically, this can lead to longerruntimes. Ask your system administration if an index would beadvisable.
It is advisable to run this program shortly before transferring thecollective runs to Financial Accounting since the System does not checkwhether the authorization data for a billing document is past when thecollective runs are transferred.

If you select the parameter Dialog, the report creates a list ofthe billing documents involving payment cards. The parameterMaximum number of hits enables you to restrict the resultquantity to be selected. We recommend you not to set too high a valuehere since this can lead to long runtimes.
You can perform the following functions in the list among others:

  • Choose a display variant

  • For example, you could choose the SAP standard display variant 1_CCARD.
    • Define your own display variant

      • Perform authorization

      • If you choose the parameter Background on the selection screen,authorization is performed in background processing for all billingdocuments affected by selection.
        The parameter Preauthorization determines whetherpreauthorization is to be performed for the billing documents inquestion.
        If problems arise during authorization, these are recorded in an errorlog.
        Billing documents that cannot be authorized are blocked for transfer toFinancial Accounting.
        • You want to select all billing documents that have been authorized:

        • Select the field Billing document authorized.
          • You only want to select billing documents for which an authorization
          • block is set:
            Enter 'C' in the Response field.