Programme SAP RJDVASHIFT - IS-M: Move Publication Date of an Issue

Move publication date of issue

Report RJDVASHIFT moves the publication date of an issue.

If you use this report to move the publication date of an issue, theproduction unit, M/SD orders and M/AM orders are modified accordingly.
These modifications involve checks on a large dataset, so that it isgenerally advisable to run the report in background processing.


  • The issue must exist in M/SD.

  • The publication must be a title.

  • The new publication date must be between the publication dates of the
  • issues that come before and after the issue in question.
    • Planning should not have taken place for the edition on the old and new
    • publication dates.

      To select the issue you want to move, specify the publication, edition,publication date or copy number.
      You must also specify the new publication date and the issue changetype (which is maintained in Customizing).
      A further parameter allows you to run the report as a test run (withoutdatabase updates).

      The log is formatted in accordance with the standards for applicationlog display.
      Modifications of objects affected are logged in the following sequence:

      • Modification of M/SD product data (issue)

      • Modification of M/AM product data (production unit)

      • Modification of M/SD orders

      • Modification of M/AM orders

      • The order change type serves, among otherthings, to determine whether the M/AM order items affected by moving anissue are modified directly or collected first in apool.
        The M/AM orders collected in a pool can then be updated by means of thereport Regenerate Order Items.
        This variant prevents an order item being updated more than once. Thismight otherwise happen when you move several issues that are placedtogether in one order (for example, by means of a combined bookingunit).
        • Modification of M/SD renewal subscriptions (update renewal index)

        • The log for each object affected has the following structure:
          • 1.) Note indicating update or test run

          • 2.) Note indicating start of object modification

          • 3.) Various individual information or error messages for object
          • modification
            • 4.) Note indicating completion of object modification

            • Example: log of modification of M/AM product data:
              1.) Test run, no database updates
              2.) Start: "Move issue" in M/AM product data
              3.) No production unit found for issue xxxxx
              4.) "Move issue" completed in M/AM product data
              If this report is executed in background processing, you can alsodisplay the log using report RJDVAEXTERN_PROT. Unlike the spool list,this report provides you with the functions of the application log -for example, you can double click on messages here to display theirlong texts.

              The control settings determining how the system is to respond whenmodifying objects (M/SD and M/AM orders) are made in Customizing underTools -> Data Transfer -> External Issue Management -> Maintain IssueChange Types:
              (Note: You can also use the function for moving an issue in externalissue management, which is why the Customizing settings are locatedhere.)

              • You can specify for M/SD orders affected by the function whether or not
              • the from-/to-date for unlimited changes is also to be moved.
                • You can specify for M/AM orders which status characteristic is to be
                • set in the order item.
                  • You can specify for M/AM orders whether or not M/AM orders are to be
                  • modified when issues are moved and if so, how.
                    If the M/AM orders are modified, the item characteristic is not set.
                    The program only modifies orders entered with a copy number.