Programme SAP RJDVANUM - Issue (Re)Numbering


Report RJDVANUM performs automatic issue numbering.
The issues that correspond to your selection criteria are assigned a'Sequence number in year'. The program performs numbering separatelyfor each edition or for all editions (within a publication) accordingto the entry specified for each edition.
Automatic numbering is not possible for publications with externalissue management. (The year, number and copy number of these issuesmust be transferred from the external system into IS-M.)
General notes on numbering issues:

More technical notes on numbering:

The procedure for numbering all editions is as follows:
The report determines all editions for the selected publications andyears (all editions for publications for which all editions are to benumbered).
Numbering takes place as follows for each combination of publicationand year:
The report determines all the issues (of the edition of the publicationthat are to be numbered together) and years.
There are now three possibilities:
All editions are numbered based on the individual period date:
All individual period data from these issues is taken into account (theindividual period data assigns the issues to the year, month for whichnumbering is to be performed and not to the publication date)
All editions are numbered based on the year number:
All year numbers from these issues are taken into account (copies ofweeklies are assigned to the calendar year by means of the year number;different year numbers in the same calendar year are numberedtogether).
Editions with the numbering basis individual period date and yearnumber are numbered together (this is not normally advisable and canlead to results other than those intended):
The editions for these issues are processed according to theirnumbering basis, so that weeklies are numbered based on the year numberand all other editions are numbered based on the individual perioddate.

Numbering takes place as follows for each edition:
The report determines all issues for the selected editions.
The issues for the edition are numbered based on the year number (inthe case of weeklies) or based on the individual period date.

Please note the following:
When dealing with weeklies, numbering is performed for all issues in ayear number and otherwise for all issues in an individual period year.
Each individual date determined in this way is assigned a sequencenumber within the year (or year number) beginning with 1 and proceedingin steps of 1.
The sequence numbers determined in this way are written to the issuesselected.
In automatic assignment of sequence numbers, you should note:
The number is assigned based on the individual period date, not thepublication date. (For example, a monthly magazine might be publishedin December of the previous year but the individual period date wasstill January 1st in the current year, so that the issue would beassigned the number 1 in the current year.)

The report lists the issues of editions numbered separately first,followed by the issues numbered for all editions. The list headercontains a note on the type of numbering for each group.

If the numbering log contains gaps in the sequence numbers, please notethe following:
Possible causes of gaps in the numbering sequence can be:

  • Failure to select all editions in numbering for all editions.

  • Numbering basis not the same for numbering of all editions (this is not
  • usually advisable).
    • When performing numbering for all editions taking the trigger control
    • into account, there are generation triggers that have a status withwhich numbering cannot be repeated. (The issues for these generationtriggers are taken into account in number assignment but not displayedin the log.)
      • When creating issues manually, the calendar year was not assigned
      • correctly to:
        - the year number for weeklies
        - the individual period date for dailies or monthly magazines
        If you want to display a complete overview of all issues used fornumbering, you can execute the numbering program at any time withouttrigger control in a test run for each publication.