Programme SAP RJDGEN00 - IS-M/SD: Issue Generation


Program RJDGEN00 performs automatic issue generation.

Which data is updated?
Program RJDGEN00 performs automatic issue generation (JDTVAUSGB).

Selection options
Automatic issue generation is controlled by generation triggers. Thefollowing must apply to generation triggers that are relevant togeneration:
- The blocking date must be past
- They must have a generation status other than 'Generation completed','Deletion completed', 'Manual creation' and 'Manual creationcompleted'.
The period for the generation trigger can be in the past.
You can specify further selection criteria to limit the relevantgeneration triggers to certain publications and editions on theselection screen.
The selected triggers are generated one after the other.
Once generation has been performed successfully, the status of thegeneration trigger is set to 'Generation completed' or 'Deletioncompleted'.
You can select a further parameter to execute the program as a test run(without database updates).


The following data must be maintained:
There must be generation triggers in the system that correspond to yourselection criteria.

The following processes must not be carried out while automaticgeneration is taking place:
- Editing generation trigger
- Editing generation rule
- Automatic issue generation
- Issue numbering
- Individual issue processing
- Collective issue processing
- Reorganization of circulation planning


Structure of the issue:
1. Title page
The first page displays an overview of all selected triggers relevantfor generation.
2. Generation log for each trigger
The program begins a new page for each trigger and repeats thegeneration trigger on this page.
The following information is then listed for each trigger generatedsuccessfully:
- Issues deleted for trigger
- Issue copied for trigger
You control how the system is to respond to existing issues inautomatic generation by means of the relevant data on the generationtrigger.
3. Error log at end
3.1 The log lists editions where a generation rule exists both for theedition itself and for the generation group specified for the edition.The generation rule for the edition was used for generation. Thegeneration rules for these editions should be defined uniquely.

Fields listed
(The header in the list is indicated in parentheses)

List of editions
- Publication (Publ.)
- Edition (Ed.)
3.2 The generation triggers that were not generated successfully arelisted with a short analysis of the error.

Fields listed
(The header in the list is indicated in parentheses)

List for generation trigger:
Fields for generation trigger:
- Publication (Publn)
- Edition (Edit.)
- Blocking date (
- Start of generation trigger (Gen.from)
- End of generation trigger (
- Generation trigger status (Stat)
- Response to issues generated automatically (Res(auto))
- Response to issues created manually (Res(man))

List for issue:
Fields for issue:
- Publication date (
- Individual period date (IPer.)
- Actual issue variant type (AcIVType)
- Planned issue variant type (PlIVType)
- Indicator: Issue was generated automatically (Aut.gen.)
- Indicator: Issue variant type was corrected (TypCorr.)
The actual variant type may have been corrected for dailies
due to a public holiday constellation (this is defined in
the generation rule).
- Indicator: Publication date was corrected (DatCorr.)
The publication date may have been corrected for non-dailies
due to a public holiday constellation (this is defined in
the generation rule).
Internal fields:
- Weekday (Day)

List of triggers that could not be generated:
Lists each trigger for which an error occurred during generation with ashort error analysis.