Programme SAP RJBT_RECONCILIATION_LOAN_PAFO - Reconciliation of Loan Transactions Against Financial Objects

This report is used for the reconciliation of loan transactions againstthe profitability analysis part (PA part) of the corresponding financialobjects.
To run this report, you must define an evaluation key date. You canrestrict the number of loan transactions displayed using the selectionoptions. Only loan transaction that have contract status are considered.You can control the output of the report by setting the followingparameters on the Output part of the screen:
1. Without Profitability Analysis Part indicator:
If you set this indicator the report generates a list of loantransactions that have no PA part for the financial object.
2. Not Costed by Key Date indicator:
If you set this indicator the report generates a list of loantransactions for which a financial object with a PA part exists butwhich was not costed by the specified key date. You can use thegenerated information to include these transactions in a postcostingprocess.
3. Costed by Key Date indicator:
If you set this indicator, the report generates a list of loantransactions for which a financial object with the PA part exists, andwhich were costed by a predefined key date. The list includes the SEMremaining capital based on the SEM entire cash flow and the nominalremaining capital (in accordance with the debit position) for thespecified key date.
If errors occur while the report is running, the system generates thecorresponding messages in an additional list.