Programme SAP RJBTLSVORMERK - Edit Indicator Table for Type One CF Disturbances

Using this report (report 'RJBTLSVORMERK', transaction'JBTLSVORMERKVERARB'), you can process the preselection table (table'JBDMANPOSTLOAN') for generating type I cash flow disturbances.
This table is especially important for processing manual postings inthe integrated SAP environment of SEM Banking and Core Banking Loans.Manual postings can lead to type I CF disturbances after a finalsettlement is calculated in SEM Banking. The affected transactions aremarked with the relevant disturbance date for a type I CF disturbance.Actual processing of the CF disturbance can be done later using thisreport.
You can use transaction 'JBTLSVORMERK' to maintain the preselectiontable.
Processing can be done in test or real mode. In a test run, no changesare actually made to the database.
Every time you process a transaction, a log is written. This log canhelp you determine possible errors. If no errors occur while processinga transaction, this is also written in the log. This can be changedwith the parameter 'Success message'.
All transactions which have been entered in the preselection table andfit the selection criteria of the report will be processed.
Log management allows you to display and delete logs. Note that whenyou delete a log, you delete all of the logs. You can not delete themindividually.