Programme SAP RJBTKALK00 - SAP-Banking: Costing Program for Updating Transactions

This program is used to help control the costing of loan transactions.It essentially offers two functions:
1. Update transaction position
This option makes it possible to keep a transaction position up-to-dateas regards costing. It selects all of the transactions valid within aspecified period, but which have not been costed up to this period. The"missing" periods up to the specified period are costed for thesetransactions. However, only transactions that have been costed at leastonce before are costed. A periodic costing run is made, in which allperiods up to the last (specified) period are closed. You can controlhow the last period is dealt with using a check-box parameter.
2. Cost "open" cash flows
With this function you can cost transactions that have at least onecash flow which is relevant to SAP Banking, but which has not beencosted yet. Note that only those transactions will be selected whichare valid within the specified period (period start to costing keydate). A key date costing run is made for the specified key date.
You can use selection options to restrict the transactions to beviewed.
For performance reasons, it is not advisable to generate a detail log(see costing parameters) when costing mass data.