Programme SAP RJBR_GENTRANS_DBERBIS - Migration Report for Generic Transactions

The "calculate to" date (DBERBIS field) in the cash flow tablefor generic transactions is interpreted as an inclusive value (calculatethrough).
When you upgrade your system, or change the release, you can use themigration report RJBR_GENTRANS_DBERBIS to check the date fieldDBERBIS, and if required correct the existing generictransactions.
If corrections are required, the system takes into consideration all therelevant interest flows (cash flow indicator 1, 8, or 9). Date fieldDBERBIS is then changed to DBERBIS-1.

In addition to correcting the flow data of generic transactions, you canalso use this migration report to correct the flow data of the versionsof the generic transactions or of the datasets in the data pool.Versions and datasets in the data pool are corrected in the same way asthe generic transactions.

Table JBRDBKOMIG is provided for the migration of existinggeneric transactions.,,
You must first fill this table with the existing generic transactions bymeans of the initialize activity. If this table is alreadyfilled, then the migration status is frozen. This means that thismigration report ignores any transactions that have since been createdin the system.

You can select the generic transactions either by their internal orexternal numbers. If you do not enter any selection criteria, then thesystem selects all relevant generic transactions.

We recommend that you perform migration inclusive of versions and datapool datasets. Therefore this is the default setting. However, if you donot want to migrate versions and data pool datasets, you mustdeselect these indicators. You cannot then migrate versions ordata pool datasets at a later point in time.
The default package size for processing is 100. If required, you canchange the package size to suit your system environment. If your generictransactions contain a lot of cash flows (for example, over 200), thenyou should choose a package size of less than 100.

The system displays a list that contains the number of generictransactions that were selected and processed.
If the check process results in errors or warnings, then the systemdisplays the relevant internal numbers of the generic transactionsaffected. You must then check these transactions manually, and changethem as required. To display generic transactions for which errors werefound or warnings generated, double click on the transaction in theresults list.


  • Initialize

  • This is the first step, which can be performed once only. The systemfills the migration table JBRDBKOMIG with the current position ofgeneric transactions. If the selection criteria include internal orexternal numbers, then these are ignored.
    The system sets the migration status in table JBRDBKOMIG to 'I'(= initialized).
    If initialization aborts, contact SAP.
    • Check and Correct

    • The report checks whether the interest rate periods in the cash flowtable for generic transactions overlap by 1 day (see the example below).If this is the case for all the relevant interest flows in thecash flowtable for the generic transaction, then the migration report correctsfield DBERBIS to DBERBIS-1.
      The system sets the migration status in table JBRDBKOMIG to 'C'(= corrected).
      If the generic transaction is already correct, then the system confirmsthis by setting the migration status to 'S' (= confirmed).
      If the cash flow table contains only one interest flow, then the systemissues a warning. In this case, and if an error occurs, the generictransaction is not corrected. The migration status is not changed.
      If the "Ignore Warning and Correct" indicator is set in the process flowcontrol section, then the system ignores the warnings and corrects thetransactions. The system sets the migration status in table JBRDBKOMIGto 'C' (= corrected).
      • Correct without Checking

      • The selected generic transactions are corrected without any additionalchecks being made. This means that the field DBERBIS is alwaysset to DBERBIS-1 in the interest flows.
        The system sets the migration status in table JBRDBKOMIG to 'C'(= corrected).
        • Confirm without Changing

        • If the generic transactions are already correct, then these can beconfirmed without being corrected so that they are no longer selected inthe migration process.
          The system sets the migration status in table JBRDBKOMIG to 'S'(= confirmed).
          • Reverse

          • You can reverse the migration if required. However, the initializeactivity cannot be reversed, though you can reverse the other a
            ctivities. If you reverse the migration, the system initializes theaffected generic transactions automatically so that these can bemigrated again.

            If both the end of the interest rate period of the first cash flow, andthe start of the interest rate period of the next cash flow both fall on12/31/2003, then the periods overlap by 1 day.