Programme SAP RJBR_CALC_MARKET_VAL_FOR_BOND - Price Calculation for Securities (Interest)

This report calculates the prices of bonds, warrant bonds, andconvertible bonds.
It does so by discounting future cash flows along the yield curve. Theprices are calculated for each stock exchange, and written to the pricetable (ATRAS) if required. Where bonds are unit-quoted, the price iscalculated in the currency of the respective stock exchange.

The price calculator used in transaction JBRX is used here.

Prices are calculated only for those bonds that have not matured by thekey date used in the report. Furthermore, the stock exchange selectedmust be stored with the master data for the class.

The report generates a list of all the valid combinations of ID number,stock exchange, and price type, plus the prices that were calculated. Ifrequired, you can call up a detail log to display the data used tocalculate the prices.
When the report is run as a background job, a spool request is alsogenerated for the market data used, and is shown in addition to theprice list.