Programme SAP RJBRXP07 - Program RJBRXP07

A new Customizing table, table CFAFOIACT_DETAIL, has been added for thenew control parameter Product Type in the function for financialobject integration. XPRA is used to populate this table with data.
For each entry in table CFAFOIACT, the system checks whether financialobject integration is active. The relevant product types are then foundfor the respective application object (loans, money market transactions,foreign exchange, and derivatives) and component (for example, DefaultRisk Limitation, Profitability Analysis). Product types are selectedonly for those categories for which financial object integration can beused.
No entries are added to table CFAFOIACT_DETAIL for those entries intable CFAFOIAC for which financial object integration is not active. Iftable CFAFOIACT_DETAIL already contains an entry that corresponds to anentry in table CFAFOIACT, then the content of table CFAFOIACT_DETAIL isnot changed.