Programme SAP RJBRXP06 - Report for Conversion of ALM Valuation Type

Conversion Report for ALM Valuation Type

The "Gap valuation type" was introduced in Banking 4.62/CFM 1.0 andcontains the gap-specific control information that was previouslycontained in the "Evaluation type". As from Banking 4.63 / CFM 2.0, thecontrol transaction, which has been renamed the "ALM valuation type",is also used to set up the valuation-rule specific control parametersand contains the information for the write-down, which was previouslyentered in the "Evaluation type".

If you run this report as part of the upgrade from Banking 4.61, orearlier, it recognizes that you have not yet defined an "ALM valuationtype". For each "Evaluation type", the system automatically defines an"ALM valuation type" with identical parameters, and assigns the ALMvaluation type the same name as the evaluation type. When you upgradefrom Banking 4.62 or CFM 1.0, you must run the report described inDevelopment News.


If the report terminates during the upgrade, you can restart itmanually at any time.