Programme SAP RJBRXP04 - RM: Fill Valuation Rule during Upgrade to 4.0

This program belongs to the application SAP Banking-Risk Management(component IS-B-RM).
In release 4.01A, the valuation rule is new as a control parameter onthe finance object. As before, the valuation rule can also be areporting characteristic in the area of risk management.
The aim of this program is to fill the control parameter valuation rule(table JBROBJ1, field BEWREGEL) with the content of the characteristicused till now (table I73xxxx, field RMBEWREG, xxxx = name of the RMarea), if this characteristic is available. Otherwise the new fieldBEWREGEL is intializied.
This means that for all finance objects (in all clients) field BEWREGELin table JBROBJ1 is either initialized or filled with thecharacteristic attribute determined.

Special features
The attributes of variable characteristics (so also of the reportingcharacteristic valuation rule) are filed in the generated tablesI73xxxx (xxxx = name of the RM area). In order to access a field inthese tables, programs on maturity are created (one program per RM areausing the valuation rule). These programs (named RJBRBREGnn, nn being arunning 2-digit number) are executed and then deleted.

Effects of errors
Errors occuring during execution of this program have no effect on thefurther upgrade. For this reason, the upgrade should be completedfirst.
After the upgrade, you can restart the program with no problem.
It is also necessary to execute the program if the valuation rule hasnot so far been used as a characteristic (because the new field must beinitialized).
Finance objects should not be processed (manual maintenance or datatransfer) before executing this program correctly.
If the valuation rule on the finance object (BEWREGEL) is not correctlyfilled, evaluation results could differ from those expected.