Programme SAP RJBRFGDT402X - RM: Conversion of Risk Object from 4.01 to 4.02

This report updates the risk objects from Release 4.01 to Release 4.02.The following conversions are undertaken:

  • In the risk object header, the default risk rule with an initial value
  • of type NUMC is changed so that the initial value is of type CHAR.
    • In the header of the elementary transaction, the following transaction
    • classes are reset:
      401 if the reference to an original transaction is set
      402 if the reference to a security ID number is set (only forrisk objects with status 9, complex class)
      403 if the reference to an external transaction is set
      All conversions are also carried out for the version tables.
      First run the report in a test run. This provides you with statisticsabout the risk objects that will be converted.
      Important: If the test run shows that more than 100 data recordshave to be converted, you should make absolutely sure that you run thereport in the background (batch processing).