Programme SAP RJBRAUSWT_GAPART - Assignment of 'Evaluation Type'->'ALM Valuation Type' for DB Convers.

Conversion Report for ALM Valuation Type

The "Gap valuation type" was introduced in Banking 4.62/CFM 1.0 andcontains gap-specific control information that was previously containedin the "Evaluation type".
From Banking 4.63/CFM 2.0, this control transaction has been renamedthe "ALM valuation type", and, in addition to this information, it alsocontains control parameters that are specific to the valuation rule andinformation about the write-down that were previously contained in the"Evaluation type".
This report enables you to convert easily the evaluation type to theALM valuation type by assigning an ALM valuation type to eachevaluation type. Based on this assignment, the general settings forcalculating write-downs, the valuation-rule-specific settings and thewrite-down-rule-specific settings are shifted from the "Evaluationtype" to the assigned "ALM valuation type".

If information about the calculation of the write-down, orvaluation-rule-specific settings already exist in the ALM valuationtype, the report terminates and an error message is generated. Thisprevents the program overwriting these values. In this case, you needto set up the ALM valuation types manually by means of the relevanttransaction in Customizing.


Assign an ALM valuation type to the evaluation types, and press thebutton "Adopt Changes". If the ALM valuation type entered does not yetexist, the system generates it and assigns it the short text specifiedas a name. To prevent data from being overwritten, it is not possibleto assign an ALM valuation type to two evaluation types. You do nothave to assign an ALM valuation type to an evaluation type.
Translated using TRADOS memory ISBALM.