Programme SAP RJBDXP05 - XPRA Distribution of JBDZSTR Entries from JBDZSZT and JBDZSEK

This program distributes the entries in table JBDZSTR to table JBDZSZTor JBDZSEK.
JBDZSZT contains the actual flows.
Table JBDZSEK contains the effective capital at the payment dates andthe interest terms contributions between payment dates. Thedistribution is carried out via the flow type (RZSBAR) in tableJBDZSTR.
The cash flow control indicators, which were stored in JBTOBJ1, are nowstored in table JBDOBJZU.
During processing, all the headers in table JBDZSKO are read. Thesystem reads the corresponding information for each header from tableJBDZSTR and then distributes the information.
Make sure that all entries remain in JBDZSTR. This is necessary forrescheduling.