Programme SAP RJBCADL1 - Reversal of Line Items in Bank Profitability Analysis

Report for reversing and logically deleting line items in ProfitabilityAnalysis.
You should only use the program in exceptional cases where you need tocorrect inconsistencies occurring when actual data is updated inProfitability Analysis. Such inconsistencies could be the result ofCustomizing errors or a programming error that was not recognized at anearlier point in time.

Before starting the program, ensure that you know how you cansubsequently post the deleted data to Profitability Analysis. Ifnecessary, contact the SAP hotline.

The program selects line items from the actual data table CE1xxxx of aparticular operating concern xxxx, generates a reversal line item (withreversed plus/minus sign), and reposts it. This process writes anadditional line item to the table CE1xxxx and updates the object levelCE3xxxx.
The system processes the line items in packages. This means that, once aparticular number of line items have been processed, the system triggersa commit and updates the database.
You have the option of using the function "logical deletion of lineitems" within this process. If you use this function, the system deletesthe fields RBELN (reference document number) and RPOSN (reference itemnumber) in both the generated reversal line items and in the originalline items. This means that the system can no longer find the line itemalthough it still physically exists. A logical line item that resultedfrom an SD billing document and has been logically deleted, is no longerlisted when you display the accounting documents, for example. Inaddition to updating a new line item, logical deletion also updates theoriginal line items that are already contained in the table CE1xxxx.
Choose Logical Deletion of Line Items if subsequent posting ofthe original documents that belong to the deleted data (for example, anFI document or an SD billing document) is not possible, as the systemcontinually checks whether a document has already been posted to Profi
tability Analysis. The checks are carried out using the referencedocument number and item.
If the subsequent posting function has a "precheck" function, whichchecks whether a document already exists, you can deactivate it. However
, when you subsequently post by entering a disjunct selection range, youmust ensure that the documents are not posted more than once toProfitability Analysis.
If you previously used the Logical Deletion of Line Items option,you can leave the "Precheck" function activated for subsequent posting.
You have the option of executing the program as a test run and canchoose whether or not the system creates a log.
The log lists all line items. If you use parallel currencies orvaluation approaches in Profitability Analysis, the system lists thedocument numbers for all currencies or valuation approaches. This meansthat a document number can occur more than once in the log.
Make entries in at least the following fields as selection parametersfor starting the program:

  • Operating concern

  • Activity type

  • Reference document number

  • or alternatively
    • Operating concern

    • Activity type

    • Period/year

    • As long as the line items to be reversed are not determined byrestricting the financial object numbers, but instead by selecting lineitems using the document number (in CE1xxxx), the following rules fordelta updates must be taken into account:
      Note that different line items with different characteristicscombinations (can be recognized by different values in the fieldPAOBJNR) can exist for a particular period. Each period can contain amaximum of one characteristic combination with a value total that is notequal to zero. Ignoring this restriction can lead to datainconsistencies within a period. This is usually indicated by the errormessage ke549 (output in costing for example).
      Test this program and the entire procedure (that is reversal/deletionwith subsequent posting) in a test system before executing it in aproductive system.
      If you need to process large volumes of data (several thousand lineitems), carry out the correction in several subruns.