Programme SAP RJ-J4NEU - IS-M/SD: LIS Reorganization from Billing Documents

Report RJ-J4NEU can be used to reorganize information structures fromold documents. It reads IS-M/SD billing documents and updates thestatistics data in the information structures as if the documents hadjust been created.
At present, the report only processes billing documents resident in thesystem; archived billing documents cannot be processed forreorganization at present.
For detailed information on the procedure for reorganizing informationstructures, please see Reorganizestatistical data in the Implementation Guide.

Details on functions

  • Version for reorganization

  • The program reads the selected billing documents and starts thestatistics update. The difference between this procedure and an onlineupdate is that the statistics data is stored under version '000' in anonline update and under a version number you specify on the selectionscreen in a reorganization run. The version you specify forreorganization must either begin with '&(' or be '000': all othernumbers are reserved for planning functions.
    Version '000' is the version under which 'productive actual data' ismanaged in the Logistics Information System. This may mean that dataalready updated is still present after reorganization if version '000'was not specified explicitly on the selection screen.
    • Redetermining update groups and updating documents

    • You can specify that the program is to redetermine the update groupsfor the billing documents(indicator 'Redetermine update group') andupdate them in the billing documents (indicator 'Update billingdocuments') on the selection screen. If you select these options, theprogram includes customizing changes made since the last LIS update inthe reorganization and updates the changes in the documents. (Archiveddocuments cannot be updated.)
      • Restricting run time

      • You can specify the date and time at which the report is to cancel thereorganization run on the selection screen. For example, you couldspecify for a run taking place over a weekend that reorganization is tobe cancelled when online processing is resumed. This is of particularimportance if billing documents are locked while the report is running(see below). The dataset at the time of cancellation is stored in atable (TMCW3), enabling you to continue processing later simply byspecifying the run name.
        • Lock all billing documents

        • To prevent billing documents from being changed during reorganizationof the information structures, you can select the parameter 'Lock allbilling documents'. You can leave the parameter blank for test runs.
          • Error handling

          • If the program identifies a document containing errors (for example,there is no customer in the document,...), it writes the document tothe batch log and the document is not included in reorganization.

            The program should only be carried out in background processing, withthe exception of test systems with small datasets.
            When running this report, please note the instructions in the IMG stepReorganize statistical data.