Programme SAP RJ-J3UTI - IS-M/SD: LIS Connection - Select/Delete Indicator 'Delivery Updated'

Report RJ-J3UTI selects or deletes the indicator that denotes whetheror not a delivery has been updated in the LIS.

Meaning of the indicator in detail
If the indicator is selected, the delivery was already included in aregular LIS update and was added to the information structures activeat the time of the update.
If the indicator is deleted, the delivery is to be included in one ofthe next LIS updates.

Use of this program
You can use the program to prevent the LIS update from taking place forcertain periods or to trigger a repeated update. Some examples of this:

  • IS-M has been productive for some time and the Media Information System
  • (IS-M link to LIS) is to be used productively from a certain key date.
    You can prevent the program from updating 'old' deliveries before thekey date by selecting the indicator to denote that these old deliverieswere already updated. This indicator can also be selected fordeliveries of individual editions.
    • You can also delete the indicator for such deliveries, so that update
    • is triggered.
      • Other basic scenario: The IS-M link to LIS is used productively;
      • however, there is old delivery data which is still inconsistent andcannot be updated to LIS. To prevent the system from reading thesedeliveries during each LIS update and processing them until the erroris identified each time, you can use this program to select the LISindicator for these old deliveries.

        Selection options

        • Shipping period

        • The shipping period must be in the past.
          • Publication

          • Edition

          • Select LIS indicator

          • You should flag this indicator if the LIS update indicator is to beselected for the deliveries specified above.
            • Delete LIS indicator

            • You should flag this indicator if the LIS update indicator is to bedeleted for the deliveries specified above.
              • Test run

              • If you select this indicator, the system does not make any changes tothe database.

                The shipping period to be processed must be in the past.

                The program displays a log list containing the changed delivery data(summarized). The columns have the following meaning:

                • Publicn,, Publication

                • Edit.,, Edition

                •,, Publication date

                •,, Shipping or return date (for return quantities)

                • Old LIS in.,, If selected, 'was selected in old status'

                • New LIS in.,, If selected, 'will be set by program'