Programme SAP RI_OPR_SYSTEM_STATUS - Order Operation: Check System Status and Correct

Program RI_OPR_SYSTEM_STATUS checks and corrects inconsistent systemstatus data for order operations. The program checks whether the systemstatus is correct in a selected order or in all orders. If the systemstatus is not correct, the program corrects it.
You can enter the following data on the initial screen:

  • Order

  • You can enter an order to be checked and, if necessary, corrected. Ifyou do not enter an order, the report checks and corrects all the ordersin the database.
    • Test run

    • If you set this indicator, the program does not change any data.Instead, it writes a log for you to evaluate. You can then see whichdata the program would change.
      If you do not set this indicator, the data in the database is correctedimmediately. Then the system shows in a log which data was changed.