Programme SAP RI_CD_VIEWER - Change Documents for Preventive Maintenance

Within preventive maintenance,change documents aregenerated for all relevant changes.
The system uses the change documents to document changes to thefollowing objects:

  • Maintenance plan

  • In maintenance plans,change documents are written for all the relevant fields. Alsodocumented is when amaintenance cycle or amaintenance item is addedor deleted.
    • Maintenance item

    • In the maintenance items, change documents are written for all therelevant fields. Object list changes and changes to thesettlement rule are notdocumented.
      • Maintenance calls

      • The system documents all the relevant changes to the scheduled ormanually created calls.Newly added calls and changes to waiting calls are not documented.
        No change documents are generated when long texts are changed.

        You can activate the writing of change documents in Customizing forPlant Maintenance and Customer Service underSet Maintenance Plan Categories.
        You can display the change documents as follows:
        In the report for displaying the change documents, use the tab pages tochoose the object for which you want to display the change documents.
        Enter the selection criteria for the change documents.
        Choose load change documents.
        The system displays the change documents in the lower screen area.