Programme SAP RIWP_WP_GENERATE - Generate Content for an Audit Package in BI

Creates the required InfoObjects and InfoProviders in SAP NetWeaver BIand transfers the data that comes from the archive.

Before you can start the report, the audit package must be analyzed.

This report starts the creation of the InfoObjects and InfoProvidersusing the RIWP_GENERATE_OBJECTS report.
After that report has been run, theRIWP_TRANSFER_DATA report is executed.

To start the report, specify an audit package, for which data is to becreated in SAP NetWeaver BI. If an audit package was already created,only the additional InfoObjects and InfoProviders are generated.
The report can be restricted either to only creating InfoObjects, oronly transferring the data.

The report creates a system log, which can be displayed usingtransaction Display Logs from Generation. Aseparate log is created for the object creation step and for the datatransfer step.