Programme SAP RISTRL02 - Link Reference Functional Locations to Status Management

From Release 3.0C the general status management can be used forfunctional locations.
By using status management the following status can be defined:

  • System status

    • (customized) User status

    • If you want to use the user status, you have to maintain astatus profile. In a status profile you canalso define an initial status, which will then be automatically setwhen a reference functional location is created.

      Use of this program
      You should run this program if you want to work with a customizedinitial status and reference functional locations had already beenentered in your SAP System before Release 3.0C.

      None. The program can run while the SAP System is open for general userdialog.

      First, the number of reference functional locations that have not yetbeen connected is given.
      Start the actual program flow using the function "Set initial status".
      If the program comes across a blocked reference functional location,these will be listed for you together with the user who is blocking.