Programme SAP RISTEQ07 - Table EQUI: Report for Correction of Indicator S_EQBS

RISTEQ07 is a report for examining (and, if necessary, for correcting)the indicator for the existence of the special stock segment of aserial number (EQUI-S_EQBS).
The inspection can be made for any amount of master records (byspecifying the equipment- or material serial number).
The report offers a test option (LP_TEST); if this is active, it merelyexamines whether inconsistencies exist. Corrections are only made ifthe test mode is switched off.
The option LP_EXTD for checking should be switched off for the firstrun. The run can be repeated with the option switched on, particularlyif no inconsistencies were recognized.
By activating the option LP_PROT a log is output of the master recordsthat were recognized as being inconsistent.
Before use, you should consider that the run time increasesproportionate to the amount of master records to be inspected. Ifnecessary, you can use the selection options to suitable apportionatethe master records into partial runs.

No locks are set on the records to be corrected, that is, the reportshould only be performed in correction mode, if the master records(within the client) are not be accessed or changed.
When searching for inconsistent serial numbers, we assume that thespecial stock segment is "right" and the existence indicator might be"wrong". Before you perform the report in correction mode, you shouldcheck if this really is the case for the serial number that wasindicated as being inconsistent, for example, that the last movement ofthe affected serial number was a goods issue.
The existence indicator is then adjusted accordingly in the correctionmode (depending on the existence of the special stock segment).


445428System-wide selection of "old" serial numbers
316868Serial No.:Report on correction of EQBS flag in EQUI segment