Programme SAP RIQMEL10 - Notification List (Multi-Level)

Notification List (multi-level)

You can generate a multi-level list for
service notifications or
maintenance notificationsusing this report.
This multi-level list is useful for

  • acquiring a detailed overview of notifications with particular
  • characteristics
    • searching for a notification whose number is unknown

    • further processing notifications with particular characteristics
    • simultaneously.

      You can choose from several restrictive criteria to select thenotifications. You must select at least one notification status and setat least one filter.
      Depending on the scope of the filter, you should limit the scope of theselection for performance reasons, because problems may arise if, forexample, all filters are set and a large number of notifications mustbe selected.
      You will receive a list of all the notifications that meet theselection criteria and filters that you have set.

      Depending on the selection criteria and filters you have set at thehighest level, the multi-level list contains, for example, the numberof the notification as well as its description. On the second level,you will find, for example, information relating to the functionallocation and equipment of all selected notifications.

1554293Poor performance in EAM lists due to missing phase
551133Performance of notification sel.: Implementation of a phase