Programme SAP RIOBJK00 - Display Serial Numbers for Documents

This program is called up from the serial number screen. It lists allserial numbers for the selected document numbers. You can choose theselected serial numbers and copy them to the current document.
The system only checks the status logic checks once the serial numbershave been copied into the document.
Due to the automatic exclusion criteria that are issued from thecalling program (for example, equipment number), it is possible thatalthough object list entries exist for the selected documents, thatthese, however, do not contain any serial numbers. These documents arenot listed.

The list contains serial numbers for the selected documents, forexample, Delivery note, Order, Inspection lot.
From the list of serial numbers, you can define your own displayvariant by choosing Settings -> Display variant.
You can display detail data for the serial numbers by clicking themagnifying glass icon.