Programme SAP RINV_READ_ARCHIVE_REMADV - Read Archived Bill Documents

You use this report to gain read-access to an archive after theArchiving report has run, and display thedata in the list.
You do not have to run the deletion program beforehand.
The following data is displayed:

  • Bill number

  • Bill sender

  • Bill recipient

  • Type of bill/payment advice note

  • Type of bill receipt

  • Date of bill document/>

  • Status of bill

  • Name of the agent who added the document

  • Date on which the document was added

  • Number of documents

  • Number of bill line items with posting information

  • Number of bill line items with information

  • Number of executed processes

  • Number of items of reference information for header/document

  • Number of items of release information

  • Number of external ID characteristics (NAA)

  • Number of log tables - HEAD

  • Number of log tables - LINES

  • Number of log tables - Parameter

  • Number of subprocesses
  • Integration
    The archiving of bill documents includes the following reports:
    Archiving Report
    All specified bill documents are analyzed in terms of archiving. Thearchivable bill documents are archived.
    You can use BAdI INV_REMADV_ARCHIVE todefine further checks regarding the archivability of bill documents.
    Deletion Report
    The bill documents written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database table.
    Evaluation Report
    The archived bill documents are displayed.