Programme SAP RINET0E0 - Object Network: List of Equipment Links

You can use this report to select links betweenpieces of equipment according to certaincriteria. The program searches through all object links that exist inthe system and lists only those that correspond to the criteria youhave specified.

The search results are displayed in the form of a list of object linksfrom which you can select one or more for editing or displaying. Youcan also call up a graphical representation of the object links fromthe list.
The list of object links forms the basis for analyzing theobject networks in your company. The systemcan provide answers to your specific analysis requests based on thedata stored in the object links.

This could include answers to the following questions:

  • Which object links are already defined in the system for a particular
  • piece of equipment, for a particular period, or for a particularmedium?
    • Which incoming or outgoing links exist?